The latest news from us
Click the heading on the left to read a fantastic article discussing the urgent need to change policy, funding and practice to maximise the current and future benefits of technology for dementia.
Amuse IT features in the RecallQue blog -
Six dementia apps to try
The AmuseIT app is on the list of “6 dementia apps to try”, reported on Australia’s WYZA radio show.
“…(AmuseIT ) was one of the ones I really loved because it was so well designed it was really big buttons and clear to look at and to navigate. I thought it was worth it, definitely.”
We have addressed the price issue and reduced the price to make the app accessible for all.
Apps for Dementia – Understanding the tech behind it
Do you know how websites and applications, for people with cognitive disorders (e.g.Dementia), are designed?
We do! Read our Eldernet article to see how we did it.
Eldernet gazette
Forging connections with people living with dementia
Check out the Eldernet gazette's article about technology innovations that help improve the lives of people living with dementia, featuring the AmuseIT application as an example.